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Continuous positive airway pressure is becoming the standard of care for patients suffering from respiratory distress. The O2-MAX™ System can deliver up to 140 L/min of flow to the patient, with 30% FiO2. Additionally, this completely disposable system offers integrated nebulisation and filtration while maintaining a consistent flow to the patient.

The O2-Max™ Fixed system is in 2 adult sizes. Adjustable PEEP options include a 3-SET™ (5/7.5/10 cmH2O) or 5-SET™ (5/7.5/10/12.5/15 cmH2O) to suit a variety of patient needs. The O2-MAX™ fixed system includes expandable tubing for efficient storage.
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© Intersurgical S.A.S, 2025
Km 2.5 Autopista Medellín, Parque Industrial Portos Sabana 80, Bodega 140, Cota Cundinamarca, Colombia
+57 (601) 329 9482