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The SmartCan™ is our easy to use disposable absorber that has been developed specifically for clinical use during anaesthesia to absorb carbon dioxide within an anaesthetic breathing system. It is provided with a choice of Spherasorb™ medical grade soda lime, or LoFloSorb™ medical grade alkali-hydroxide-free absorbent.

The SmartCan™ is compatible with the GE Healthcare®, Carestations® 620™, 650™, 650c Pendant™, 650c Wall Mount™and 750™.

View the CO2 absorbents compatibility table

GE Healthcare® is a registered trademark of General Electric Company. Carestation® is a registered trademark of Datex-Ohmeda, Inc. Datex-Ohmeda, Inc., is a General Electric Company. 620, 650, 650c Pendant, 650c Wall Mount and 750 are trademarks of General Electric Company.
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© Intersurgical S.A.S, 2025
Km 2.5 Autopista Medellín, Parque Industrial Portos Sabana 80, Bodega 140, Cota Cundinamarca, Colombia
+57 (601) 329 9482